HCPC Registered Psychologists available to instruct
An expert is a person who, through special training, study or experience, is able to furnish the Court, tribunal or oral hearing with scientific or technical information which is likely to be outside the experience and knowledge of a judge, magistrate, convenor or jury. The expert’s role is to assist the Court and not the party(ies) instructing them.
Below are some of the expert assessments psychologists can carry out in their role as expert witnesses.
Capacity assessments
Personality assessments
Forensic risk assessments
Mental health
Domestic violence
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)
Learning disabilities
Cognitive assessments
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How to instruct a psychologist
To instruct one of our psychologists please use the make a referral button at the top of page and choose the Expert Witness Referral Form.
Initial referral
To enable us to provide you with an accurate estimate of fees we need to know a little bit about what you are looking for. Once you have completed our referral form a Case Manager will contact you straight away to discuss your requirements and explain our fees and timescales.
Letter of instruction
We do politely ask for a full letter of instruction before confirming our intention to proceed. In the letter of instruction, we ask that all questions posed to the expert are made clear. Additional questions may result in the need for further assessment which will require a new estimate of fees to be agreed.
Dedicated Case Manager
As part of our expert witness service, you will have access to a dedicated case manager who will manage your instruction from start to finish and ensure you are kept updated on the experts progress.